We All Agree Renata Is the Best Part of Big Little Lies, Right?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

If you're confused about where my devotion to Renata comes from, let's revisit some her greatest hits from season one. When we're through, you won't even remember the other BLL characters' names. (Kidding, but you get my point.)

Let's start with episode one, when Renata has no qualms about reading the child who she thinks hurt Amabella for filth. Getting insulted by Renata is a privilege at any age.


Or how about when she treated Amabella's birthday as if it was a government crisis?


But that's nothing in comparison to the AK-47 she pulled out to shut down Madeline's production of Avenue Q. This is the level of petty everyone should aspire to.


Of course, we can't have a Renata tribute without mentioning this groundbreaking scene. It forever shaped the way I say the words thank you.

Renata apologizing to Jane for pushing her while wearing an eye-patch is the textbook definition of iconic.


After Amabella was mysteriously bitten by one of her classmates, Renata first addressed Jane about it by saying this. The hand gesture! The eye roll! I don't know a better person.


This is now the only thing I say when asked if I want a drink.


In one episode, she made this face, and my first thought was, Gay rights!


She obviously had the best costume for the Audrey-Elvis charity gala in the season one finale.


And last but not least, when she pushed Madeline off a cliff in a dream sequence. What an incredible way to die! Push me off a cliff next, queen! I hate Avenue Q too!


Well, looks like it's time to spend two hours watching nothing but Renata BLL scenes on YouTube. And I know you're now tempted to do the same.

Christopher Rosa is the staff entertainment writer at Glamour. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisrosa92.
