"That is exactly you!" Anthony Padilla left stunned after seeing "super accurate" fanart of Corpse H

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Fans of internet sensation Corpse Husband were recently sent into a tizzy after watching his interview with American YouTuber Anthony Padilla, in which he revealed that there exists a "super accurate" fanart of his face.

The 23-year old faceless YouTuber recently appeared on Anthony Padilla's channel for a candid chat in which he opened up on a plethora of topics ranging from his meteoric rise to his struggle with chronic illness.

However, there was one particular segment which ended up attracting a significant amount of attention online, that being the moment where Anthony Padilla reacted to a scarily accurate work of fan art of Corpse Husband.

His reaction led several to believe that the highly anticipated Corpse Husband face reveal might have already happened, and that too via a piece of fan art!

Twitter attempts to decipher the truth behind the fanart that depicts a Corpse Husband face reveal

[Timestamp: 22:22]

In the clip above, Anthony Padilla receives a question from a fan asking Corpse if he has ever received any kind of artwork that has been scarily accurate.

In response to this, Corpse replied:

"Oh My f*cking God, yes! It is so scary! I don't think they knew but it just blew my mind ..Imma text it to you"

His text ended up leaving Anthony Padilla in complete shock as he responded in complete awe of the mysterious piece of fan art:

"Oh sh*t dude! That is exactly you! They got everything right, the hair, the eye shape, the eyebrows . This looks like someone just straight up photographed you . When uou sent this to me, I literally thought you that you just sent me a selfie! "

In light of his reaction to the super accurate piece of fan art, Twitter was soon abuzz with a slew of responses from fans, as they desperately tried to decipher which fan art had correctly depicted what Corpse Husband possibly looks like:

With fans left in a major dilemma over which fan art had indeed succeeded in depicting a Corpse Husband face reveal, it looks like the answer remains up in the air, with only Corpse and Anthony Padilla knowing for sure themselves.

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