Joe Budden Calls Fresh & Fit Podcast Hosts Ignorant & Stands Up For Black Women Amid Asian Dol

Publish date: 2024-05-08
Joe Budden is speaking out!The rapper/podcast host got wind of what happened when Asian Doll appeared on the Fresh and Fit podcast earlier this week. Asian was a guest on the show, and the cohost, Fit, was annoyed that Doll was conversing with another show guest while other people were talking. It resulted in Asian Doll calling him mean, and he eventually told her to “get the f*ck off” the show. Initially, she didn’t, but later she did. During the back and forth, the other cohost, Fresh, told Doll that a rule of the show is to not speak when others are, and he tried to diffuse the situation. Today (January 5), Joe Budden wrote a lengthy post via Instagram, calling the hosts of the podcasts “ignorant.” He said, “I don’t know the two doofs, but they don’t get to do this. Too ignorant, inexperienced, insecure, fragile, and weak for this stale gimmick not to be seen through.” Joe continued,“Black women are everything, especially beautiful.” Although Joe didn’t say Asian’s name, the timing of Joe’s post alludes that he’s somewhat sticking up for her. Take a look: Thoughts ?
