Who Is Dr. Kai Bartley On Grey's Anatomy?

Publish date: 2024-05-07

E.R. Fightmaster told NBC News that they are happy to be able to portray Kai as a nonbinary character. "I have also learned a lot about what aspects of nonbinary are most confusing to people," says Fightmaster. "Things about the identity that need to be handled well or need to be handled with grace, and how to talk with people who aren't familiar with this identity in a gentle and educational way."

Fightmaster says that some people only know that trans and non-binary people exist because they see them on TV or in the movies. "You can live an entire experience, but until you see it represented on screen, that tends to be the most helpful way that people go, 'Oh wait, that's me. I'm not alone in this life. This experience is not 100 percent unique and isolated to me,'" they said.

They said that the Gen Z generation is made up of lots of trans, nonbinary, queer, and gender-fluid people. "Gen Z is the most open-minded generation we've had; it's the queerest generation we've ever had," says Fightmaster. "I don't think that there's something in the water. I think that there's [more] people on TV."
