Technical Wrestlers | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-07

I agree this is a technical style of wrestling. It's meant to look like a more flashy take on amateur style wrestling. I think Kurt Angle was a technical guy as well. However, that doesn't mean what Bret Hart did wasn't technical. It doesn't mean what Orton does isn't a form of technical wrestling. In the pretend world of professional wrestling, the definition is quite broad.

No...not really. Technical wrestling is a style of wrestling, just like brawling or lucha libre. Technical wrestling is not a definition which describes being methodical and/or crisp. Do you know what DOES describe a wrestler as being methodical and/or crisp? Saying they are methodical and/or crisp.

Technical wrestling is a style, not a criterion for quality.

Sure it is. It's much easier to identify Cena's style of wrestling (a brawler) than it is Shawn Michaels. Identifying a brawler takes roughly two seconds.

So does identifying a technical wrestler. :shrug:

You seem to think because you're having problem defining the term, no definition exists, and that a technical wrestler cannot be easily labeled. That's silly. The reason you can't find examples of technical wrestlers is because technical wrestling doesn't draw today. It hasn't been a draw in over thirty years. That's why you have trouble defining it and labeling it.

The other thing you have to remember is that pro wrestlers aren't locked into one style. I'm not sure if you're a gamer of fantasy games or not, but if you're even mildly aware of the games Dragon Age 2 and Elder Scrolls Skyrim, you'll understand what I mean. In Dragon Age 2, you pick whether you're a fighter, a thief/rogue or a mage. You are limited to only those three classes, and once chosen, you're not allowed any benefits from the other classes. In contrast, Skyrim doesn't lock you into any style. It allows you to choose what you want from all styles, to complete your character the way you wish.

Pro wrestling is not Dragon Age 2, it's Skyrim. Workers identify with a style of wrestling, but incorporate other aspects into it to complete their character. You're trying to define this openness of choice as "technical wrestling", as long as they are methodical and crisp in execution, and that's incorrect. But it's this openness of choice which makes it hard to define someone like Michaels, because he takes a little from all styles of wrestling to complete his character.

You don't think Hart was the same kind of wrestler at WM 8 and WM 12? His style didn't change much from midcard to main event.

Bret's midcard career encompasses a wide range of time, which is why I discussed primarily his main-event career. Yes, Hart was the same kind of wrestler at 8 and 12, and that wasn't a pure technical wrestler.

According to your definition. Once again, there is no set definition. Tell me I'm wrong about that as many times as you'd like, but I'm not.

Yes, you are. Saying there is no definition of a technical wrestler is saying there's no definition of an aerial wrestler or a brawling wrestler. That's just silly. They are all styles of wrestling, and the idea two of them have clear definitions but the third one doesn't defies logic.

Rarely botched, superb execution.

Gotcha...definitely describes Hulk Hogan. Yes, I know your point was that was not the only qualification, I'm just furthering my case for Hogan as a technical wrestler under your definition, something we both agree he's not.

Hogan was a meathead. A great, great wrestler, but a meathead. No one, not even Monsoon, accused Hogan of being the sharpest knife in the drawer in that ring (all in character, of course).

I think you need to go back and watch some older video. Ventura regularly accused Hogan of being sneaky, of working the angles. So did Heenan. I disagree (yes, I realize that means, automatically, I'm wrong :lmao:) Glad people are starting to realize this. ;)

What you're trying to pass off as a technical wrestler is the mindset of a character and the crispness of his execution. And I'm sorry, but that is just inaccurate. Like I've said, technical wrestling is a style of wrestling, like brawling or aerial wrestling. It is hard for many of today's fans to identify because we rarely see it. We see elements of technical wrestling, such as the classic collar and elbow tie-up, but wrestlers who work primarily a technical style just don't exist these days. And the reason for this is because fans in America don't care to see it. If I want to watch freestyle wrestling, I'll watch the Olympics. They are a whole lot better at it than guys who are just pretending. Fans wants to see larger than life characters duking it out. It's the traditional American style of fighting, the so-called John Wayne mentality of Americans.

Technical wrestling was big 50 years ago because fans believed it was real, and the workers worked very hard to protect the secret of it being staged. They couldn't work today's style of match, and still pretend it was real. That's why you saw the more classic/technical style of wrestling, the advance (if you can call it that) of the amateur style to the pro ranks. Those were technical wrestlers.

A guy like Orton? He's much more of a brawler, though I recognize the idea of a brawler conjures up something with more wildness and emotion. He punches, he kicks, he clotheslines, he does powerslams and DDTs...very little of his style is technically based. The same goes for Punk. He is primarily a striker. All of those kicks and high impact moves do not lend themselves to a technical style.

It's been a LONG time since I've seen the match (for good reason, too) but if I remember correctly, the first 20 or so minutes of the HBK vs. Hart match WM 12 was a fairly technically based match. A lot of throws and locks, counters and holds, a fairly technical style match. As I said, it's been a long time since I watched the match, so my timing might be off, but I do know there were several exchanges where HBK outdid Hart in a technical style, a "passing the torch" mini-story in the context of the match.
