80-Year-Old Linda Evans in Tears Revealing Ill Rock Hudson Was Protecting Her during Their Kis

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Linda Evans and Rock Hudson | Linda Evans | Sources: Getty Images | Facebook.com/LindaEvansOfficialpage

Linda Evans is best known for her iconic portrayal of the classy and sultry Krystle Carrington on the popular series "Dynasty." Her ability to play a strong yet vulnerable, loving, and desirable character as a mature woman had a hand in proving the aging rhetoric in Hollywood wrong. The beautiful actress showed that being appealing does not dwindle when one ages naturally.

Evans' appearance on the show garnered her a level of fame that far exceeded the usual level that stars experience when they first star in a show that becomes hugely successful. In the 1980s, it became virtually impossible for Evans to go anywhere without being recognized by fans, even in the remotest places.

One time, while visiting Australia, the desirable actress landed at a tiny airport that hardly had any traces of the hustle and bustle of life, with the exception of ten huts. To her surprise, even those locals knew who she was. She recalled:

"I got out while we were refueling, and someone ran up and yelled, 'Krystle! Krystle!' I asked, 'How do you know that I'm Krystle?' And the man pointed to this little TV antenna on the side of this little hut...it was shocking."

After a triumphant eight-year run, "Dynasty" had reached its end. Sometime after the show went off the air, Evans chose to move and start a new life in rural Washington State.

This move signaled the fact that the "Those Calloways" star was ready to leave her acting career behind in Hollywood and step away from the spotlight for a while. Thus, she stopped receiving offers and calls about scripts and new productions.

However, over ten years later, after reading and falling in love with a script for the dark comedy movie "Swan Song," Evans found it hard to refuse to be a part of the film, so she packed up and flew to Sandusky, Ohio to film the movie. She recalled how she felt about doing the project:

"I was nervous. Of course, I was nervous. How could I not be nervous when I hadn't done this for so long?"

Linda Evans Opens up about Her Late Co-star Rock Hudson

In a new documentary that came 34 years after "Dynasty" ended, the life of the late and great Rock Hudson was examined in close detail. Of the several noteworthy faces that appeared in "Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed," Evans was one of them. Her revelations detail what was previously unknown about the actor during his life.

One of those revelations involves the reasoning behind the awkward kiss between Krystle and Daniel Reece (Hudson's character in "Dynasty"), which was deemed lackluster by the show's execs. According to the documentary, Hudson's cautionary kiss resulted from the fact that the actor had AIDS, which many people were unaware of at the time.

Evans may be well within her seniority years, but the blonde beauty is still as gorgeous as ever.

John Forsythe, Linda Evans, and Rock Hudson as their characters from "Dynasty" in 1984. | Source: Getty Images

Thus, fearing that he might be giving Evans a "lethal injection" by kissing her, he kept his mouth closed the entire time. According to his close friend and co-star, Michael Nadar, Hudson told him:

"This has been the worst day of my life. I used every type of mouthwash known to man... [and] I kept my mouth closed."

Many people did not know how the dreaded disease was transmitted at the time. Alas, the kiss did not turn out as everybody had wanted it to.

Linda Evans and Rock Hudson in "The Avenger" episode of "Dynasty" in 1985. | Source: Getty Images

Evans detailed how everybody on set did not know how to get the kiss they needed, so the director made them repeat the scene until they were satisfied. In the documentary, she tearfully revealed:

"It makes me cry because I know he was protecting me. At the time, I was confused. Thinking back, part of the reason I get so upset is that he was doing everything he could for me because nobody knew in those days about that, [and] it breaks my heart, even now."

Linda Evans and Rock Hudson in "The Avenger" episode of "Dynasty" in 1985. | Source: Getty Images

As Hudson started to lose weight rapidly, he became a hot topic of discussion in tabloids and media. Evans recounted how thin he appeared in all their scenes together. Additionally, one of the show's producers thought he had lost 5 lbs, while Nadar agreed that his friend's weight loss was extremely drastic.

After his French PR made his health complications public, Evans reported that a plethora of people turned down opportunities to work with her over fear that she may have contracted the disease from Hudson. She disclosed how longtime friends could not even bring themselves to come over for dinner when she had invited them. Hudson's final days were spent at his Beverly Hills home after having to charter his own plane to get there, costing him $250,000 because no airline would fly him.

Linda Evans and Rock Hudson in a promotional shoot for "Dynasty" in 1984. | Source: Getty Images

What Life Currently Looks Like for the 80-year-old Actress

In November 2022, Evans reached a momentous milestone and celebrated her 80th birthday. She posted glimpses of her lavish birthday festivities on her Instagram account, where fans saw her still stunning wearing a chic silk blazer fitted with white feathers on one shoulder and cuff and gold emblems on the front. She paired the beautiful look with classy silver earrings.

The caption captured how full her heart feels at 80 and how grateful she was for her fans' well wishes. She ended the heartwarming caption by expressing that life continues to be a gift to her.

Birthday celebrations for the star came decked out with gold and white balloons and a cake with pink flowers and gold candles. While speaking to Bunte, a German magazine, Evans divulged her view on getting older:

"The number is high, but I see my age as an adventure. I'm excited to see what else is to come."

Evans has been married a total of two times, with both marriages ending in divorce. Choosing not to marry again, the beauty spoke about how happy she is being single.

She claimed she was delighted to be alone, only needing to be surrounded by her friends and family. Outside of being single, Evans also skipped out on having children, and this was one of her regrets.

In a 1988 article, she was quoted as having expressed a desire to become a mother and a housewife if she was ever forced to choose between her career and having a family. She labeled the latter as being the most wonderful experience in the world.

Today, the actress spends her days engaging in activities she loves doing. These include taking walks in parks, spending quality time with her beloved dog, and cooking delicious and healthy meals.

A screenshot of a comment about Linda Evans posted in January 2022. | Source: Instagram.com/@lindaevansofficial

A screenshot of a comment about Linda Evans in January 2022. | Source: Instagram.com/@lindaevansofficial

A screenshot of a comment about Linda Evans in January 2022. | Source: Instagram.com/@lindaevansofficial

Evans may be well within her seniority years, but the blonde beauty is still as gorgeous as ever. Her fans attest to this, describing her as a "Beautiful lady."

Evans continues to relish her life as she continues to age. The "Dynasty" star enjoys embarking on each day, living life in rural Washington State.
