Publish date: 2024-05-06

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The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to working hard and accomplishing goals in Christina Milian’s house. The celebrity tells Us Weekly that her daughter, Violet, stays busy like her mom.

“What is she not doing,” says Christina of her daughter. “She’s learning how to swim and is full of character. She just surprises me every day.”

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In surprising mom with her energy, Violet has also put her maturity on display when building a relationship with Christina’s boyfriend, Lil Wayne. “They know and recognize each other — he’s very much a part of my life and Violet is very much a part of my relationship,” says Milian of the budding bond between Violet and Wayne. The celebrity mom adds, “She is very close to her dad, so Violet has her dad in her life, she has us in her life, so in time [they’ll develop a closer bond]. It’ll take some time.”

Violet is Christina Milian’s only child with ex-husband Terius Nash, a.k.a. The-Dream. The singer has been in courtship with Lil Wayne for several months.
