Unveiling The Mastermind Architect: Angeliki Kanellopoulou

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Angeliki Kanellopoulou is a distinguished Greek architect, architectural theorist, and academic. Her work explores the relationship between architecture, the environment, and the human experience, with a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.

Kanellopoulou is a professor at the National Technical University of Athens, where she teaches architectural design and theory. She is also the founder and director of the Laboratory of Architectural Ecologies, which conducts research on sustainable architecture and urbanism. Kanellopoulou's work has been exhibited internationally and has received numerous awards, including the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award in 2015.

Kanellopoulou's approach to architecture is rooted in the belief that buildings should be designed to respect and enhance the natural environment. She is particularly interested in the use of passive design strategies, such as natural ventilation and daylighting, to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. Kanellopoulou's work also addresses social issues, such as affordable housing and the integration of refugees into urban communities.

Angeliki Kanellopoulou

Angeliki Kanellopoulou is a distinguished architect, theorist, and academic whose work explores the relationship between architecture, the environment, and the human experience. Here are nine key aspects of her work and contributions:

These aspects highlight Kanellopoulou's multi-faceted contributions to architecture. Her dedication to sustainability, social responsibility, and design excellence has shaped her work and influenced the field of architecture. Through her research, teaching, and practice, she continues to inspire and challenge architects to think critically about the role of buildings in society and the environment.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's commitment to sustainability is evident throughout her work. She believes that buildings should respect and enhance the natural environment, and she incorporates sustainable strategies into all of her designs. For example, her design for the Kallithea Health Center in Athens features passive solar design, natural ventilation, and rainwater harvesting. These features reduce the building's energy consumption and environmental impact.

Kanellopoulou's focus on sustainability is not just theoretical; it is also practical. She understands that buildings have a significant impact on the environment, and she is committed to designing buildings that are environmentally responsible. Her work has been recognized for its sustainability, and she has received numerous awards for her green designs.

Kanellopoulou's commitment to sustainability is an important part of her work as an architect. She believes that architects have a responsibility to design buildings that are respectful of the environment and that promote human well-being. Her work is a testament to her belief that sustainability and good design can go hand in hand.

Social responsibility

Angeliki Kanellopoulou's commitment to social responsibility is evident in her work as an architect. She believes that architects have a responsibility to address social issues, and she incorporates social responsibility into all of her designs. For example, her design for the Kallithea Health Center in Athens includes a community center and a daycare, which provide much-needed services to the local community.

Kanellopoulou's focus on social responsibility is not just theoretical; it is also practical. She understands that buildings have a significant impact on the community, and she is committed to designing buildings that promote social well-being. Her work has been recognized for its social impact, and she has received numerous awards for her socially responsible designs.

Kanellopoulou's commitment to social responsibility is an important part of her work as an architect. She believes that architects have a responsibility to design buildings that are not only beautiful and functional, but also socially responsible. Her work is a testament to her belief that good design can make a positive impact on the world.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's contextual approach to architecture is deeply connected to her belief that buildings should be respectful of their surroundings and local culture. She believes that architecture should not be imposed on a community but rather should grow out of the community's needs and traditions.

Kanellopoulou's contextual approach is evident in all of her work, from her design for the Kallithea Health Center in Athens to her renovation of the Benaki Museum in Piraeus. In each case, she has taken great care to understand the history, culture, and environment of the site and to design a building that is sensitive to its surroundings.

For example, the Kallithea Health Center is located in a densely populated neighborhood of Athens. Kanellopoulou's design for the center includes a community center and a daycare, which provide much-needed services to the local community. The center is also designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, reflecting Kanellopoulou's commitment to sustainability.

Kanellopoulou's contextual approach to architecture is an important part of her work as an architect. She believes that architects have a responsibility to design buildings that are not only beautiful and functional, but also respectful of the community and the environment. Her work is a testament to her belief that good design can make a positive impact on the world.

Passive design

Angeliki Kanellopoulou's commitment to sustainability is evident in her use of passive design strategies, such as natural ventilation and daylighting, to reduce energy consumption in her buildings. Passive design is an approach to architecture that utilizes natural resources, such as sunlight and wind, to heat, cool, and light buildings, reducing the need for mechanical systems and lowering energy consumption.

Kanellopoulou's use of passive design strategies is an important part of her commitment to sustainability. By reducing the need for mechanical systems, her buildings consume less energy and have a lower environmental impact. Her work is a testament to her belief that good design can make a positive impact on the world.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's research is closely connected to her work as an architect and her commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and contextualism. Her research explores the relationship between architecture, the environment, and the human experience, with a particular focus on sustainable architecture and urbanism.

Kanellopoulou's research is an important part of her work as an architect. It allows her to explore new ideas and develop innovative design solutions. Her research also helps to inform her teaching and her work with the Laboratory of Architectural Ecologies.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's teaching is an important part of her work as an architect. She is passionate about teaching and believes that it is essential to share her knowledge and experience with future architects. Kanellopoulou's teaching focuses on sustainable architecture, social responsibility, and contextualism. She challenges her students to think critically about the role of architecture in society and to design buildings that are not only beautiful and functional, but also sustainable and socially responsible.

Kanellopoulou's teaching has a significant impact on her students. Her students learn about the latest developments in sustainable architecture and urbanism, and they are inspired by her commitment to social responsibility. Kanellopoulou's students go on to become successful architects who are making a positive impact on the world.

Kanellopoulou's teaching is an important part of her legacy as an architect. She is helping to shape the next generation of architects who will design the buildings of the future. Her teaching is a testament to her belief that architecture can make a positive impact on the world.


The awards that Angeliki Kanellopoulou's work has received are a testament to her talent and dedication to architecture. The Mies van der Rohe Award is one of the most prestigious architecture awards in the world, and it is given to projects that demonstrate excellence in design and innovation. Kanellopoulou's receipt of this award is a recognition of her commitment to sustainable architecture and her ability to create beautiful and functional buildings.

Kanellopoulou's awards are also a source of inspiration for other architects. They show that it is possible to design buildings that are both sustainable and beautiful. Her work is a reminder that architecture can make a positive impact on the world.

The recognition that Kanellopoulou has received for her work is a reflection of her dedication to architecture and her commitment to making a difference in the world. Her work is an inspiration to other architects and a reminder that architecture can be a force for good.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's publications are an important part of her work as an architect. They allow her to share her knowledge and research with a wider audience. Kanellopoulou's publications cover a wide range of topics, including sustainable architecture, urbanism, and architectural history.

Kanellopoulou's publications have had a significant impact on the field of architecture. Her work has helped to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and social responsibility in architecture. Her publications have also helped to inform and inspire other architects.

Kanellopoulou's publications are a valuable resource for anyone interested in architecture and sustainability. Her work provides a wealth of information and insights on these important topics.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's work has been exhibited internationally, showcasing her innovative designs and commitment to sustainability. These exhibitions have played a crucial role in raising awareness of her work and inspiring other architects.

One of the most important exhibitions of Kanellopoulou's work was the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. Her installation, "porousCity," explored the relationship between the built environment and the natural environment. The installation featured a series of interconnected, porous structures that allowed for the free flow of air and light.

Kanellopoulou's work has also been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Tate Modern in London. These exhibitions have helped to solidify her reputation as one of the world's leading architects.

Exhibitions of Kanellopoulou's work are important because they allow her to share her ideas with a wider audience. They also provide an opportunity for people to experience her work firsthand and to learn about her commitment to sustainability.

FAQs about Angeliki Kanellopoulou

Angeliki Kanellopoulou is a distinguished Greek architect, architectural theorist, and academic whose work explores the relationship between architecture, the environment, and the human experience. Her work has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, including the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2015. Below are a few frequently asked questions about Kanellopoulou and her work:

Question 1: What are the key themes in Angeliki Kanellopoulou's work?

Kanellopoulou's work is characterized by a focus on sustainability, social responsibility, and contextualism. She believes that buildings should be designed to respect and enhance the natural environment, and she incorporates sustainable strategies into all of her designs. Kanellopoulou is also committed to addressing social issues through her work, such as affordable housing and the integration of refugees into urban communities. Additionally, she believes that buildings should be sensitive to their surroundings and local culture.

Question 2: What are some of Kanellopoulou's most notable projects?

Kanellopoulou has designed a wide range of projects, including the Kallithea Health Center in Athens, the Benaki Museum in Piraeus, and the "porousCity" installation at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. Her work has been exhibited internationally and has received numerous awards.

Question 3: What is Kanellopoulou's approach to sustainable architecture?

Kanellopoulou believes that buildings should be designed to minimize their environmental impact. She incorporates passive design strategies, such as natural ventilation and daylighting, into all of her designs. She also uses sustainable materials and construction methods whenever possible.

Question 4: How does Kanellopoulou address social issues in her work?

Kanellopoulou believes that architects have a responsibility to address social issues through their work. She has designed a number of projects that are specifically aimed at addressing social issues, such as affordable housing and the integration of refugees into urban communities.

Question 5: What are some of the awards that Kanellopoulou has received?

Kanellopoulou has received numerous prestigious awards for her work, including the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2015, the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award in 2015, and the RIBA International Fellowship in 2016.

Question 6: Where can I learn more about Angeliki Kanellopoulou and her work?

You can learn more about Angeliki Kanellopoulou and her work by visiting her website, reading her publications, or attending her lectures and exhibitions.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about Angeliki Kanellopoulou and her work. Kanellopoulou is a leading architect whose work is making a positive impact on the world. Her commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and contextualism is an inspiration to architects and designers around the world.

Tips for Sustainable Architecture

Angeliki Kanellopoulou, an award-winning architect known for her commitment to sustainability, contextualism, and social responsibility, offers valuable insights into sustainable architecture. Here are some key tips inspired by her work:

Tip 1: Utilize passive design strategies.

Incorporate natural ventilation and daylighting into your designs to reduce reliance on mechanical systems, thus lowering energy consumption and environmental impact.

Tip 2: Embrace sustainable materials and construction methods.

Opt for materials with low embodied energy and prioritize sustainable construction practices to minimize the environmental footprint of your buildings.

Tip 3: Consider the building's context and culture.

Design buildings that are sensitive to their surroundings, respecting local traditions and cultural heritage while promoting a sense of place and community.

Tip 4: Address social issues through design.

Utilize architecture as a tool to tackle social challenges, such as affordable housing and urban renewal, contributing to a more equitable and inclusive built environment.

Tip 5: Engage in ongoing research and innovation.

Stay abreast of advancements in sustainable architecture and explore new technologies and materials to push the boundaries of environmentally responsible design.

By following these tips, architects and designers can create buildings that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable, socially responsible, and contextually appropriate. Angeliki Kanellopoulou's work serves as a guiding example, demonstrating the positive impact architecture can have on our communities and the planet.


Angeliki Kanellopoulou's pioneering work in architecture has set new standards for sustainability, social responsibility, and contextualism in the built environment. Her unwavering commitment to these principles has resulted in award-winning designs that demonstrate the transformative power of architecture.

Kanellopoulou's legacy extends beyond her individual projects, as her research and teaching inspire a new generation of architects to embrace sustainable and socially conscious design practices. By advocating for buildings that respect the environment, uplift communities, and celebrate local culture, Kanellopoulou has redefined the role of architecture in shaping a more just and sustainable world.
