How to Get an Engineering Internship Abroad

Publish date: 2024-05-04

From the ancient aqueducts in Italy to the Panama Canal, engineering marvels expand beyond human imaginations that set the foundation for civilizations and build new futures. As quintessential problem solvers, engineers must have the ability to see possible solutions from many different angles and collaborate with others from around the world.

two people standing in front of diagrams discussing data

Get ready to take your career to the next level as an engineering intern abroad.

What better way to gain new lenses, acquire professional skills, and develop team building skills than with an international internship? It’s time to learn everything you need to know about how to get an engineering internship abroad.

While the classroom allows you to learn the principles of engineering, to have hands-on experiences in an international environment, which will no doubt give you a . Plus, it will open doors to new opportunities to learn a new language, explore unique landmarks, gain cross-cultural competency, and more.

Is it easy to get an engineering internship abroad?

As long as you’re willing to make it happen, , as engineers are in high demand! With numerous programs facilitating internships in countries all over the world, you’ll find no shortage of opportunities.

Program providers also offer a lot of support so you don’t have to go at it alone. The hardest part may just be deciding where you want to go!

You’ll come across summer, semester, yearly, and gap year engineering internships, so you can choose a duration and placement that works best with your academic timeline. Plus, while , you may still be able to earn college credits.

Because many providers have application deadlines for internships, you’ll just need to make sure you get everything in place as early as possible—a good rule of thumb is to start looking three to four months in advance. Keep in mind that you’ll need some time to make arrangements for your flight, accommodation, passport, and visa.

How to get an engineering internship abroad

Here are the nuts and bolts on how to get an engineering internship abroad step by step:

1. Decide on your destination

person wearing hard hat pointing to something above while others look on

Your engineering internship can give you hands-on experience in an exciting location.

behind an engineering internship abroad? Research, design, testing, hands-on projects? What language skills do you possess or want to learn? What kinds of experiences do you hope to have while interning abroad?

If you’re looking to be more involved with the development of infrastructure, then many South American and African countries may be a good fit for you. Plus, these countries often have more affordable accommodations overall. To delve into more advanced engineering techniques, many European and Asian countries may offer a better fit.

Because visa regulations vary by country, so will the opportunities for paid placements. , , and many European countries typically offer salaries for interns, but you may face more competition. Keep in mind the country’s cost of living, too.

2. Meet with your academic advisor

Before you apply to be an engineering intern abroad, it’s a good idea to chat with your academic advisor. Your advisor may already know of opportunities that may be a good fit for you (or could get you in touch with contacts in their network).

Plus, your advisor can help you (don’t forget about gap year engineering internships) and set up the process so you can earn college credits from your experience.

3. Gather a list of engineering abroad internship opportunities

Once you have an idea of when and where you want to intern abroad, it’s time to dig into available opportunities. Research the internships your advisor suggested, peruse GoAbroad’s engineering internship abroad directories for and , check out job boards online, and let your LinkedIn network know you’re looking.

Quantity is important, and having a list of 10 to 20 potential opportunities can help you ultimately land an internship. But quality is just as important, so be sure to pick internships that actually interest you, too.

4. Gear up your resume

close up of hands typing on laptop

Go ahead, shout out your skills on your resume.

Now it’s time to get your resume in ship-shape! If you’ve never created a resume, visit your university’s career center for a resume consultation (they may even be able to have one with you virtually). Think about all of your previous work experiences—what skills did you gain from them that are transferable to an engineering internship?

Next, add any relevant course projects, language courses, extracurricular activities, or volunteer experiences. Creating a portfolio of previous projects will also help you stand out.

5. Apply to engineering internships

Now it’s time to put the pedal to the metal! If it helps, create a spreadsheet of all of the internships you’re applying to and track your progress (employer name, application submission date, interview request date, interview outcome, etc.).

Read every internship placement description at least twice and highlight areas that apply to you. Be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter (if requested) for every internship application.

6. Practice your interviewing skills

Most likely, you’ll have virtual interviews with the employer. You can again with your career center and with your family and friends.

Learn a little bit about the company ahead of time, prepare some talking points for the most common interview questions, and prepare questions for them (always ask them questions!). Be sure your Internet connection works, that you look presentable and professional, and that no background noise is present. Follow up with a thank you after every interview.

7. Time to celebrate!

Give yourself a huge pat on the back for all the work you’ve done with research, applications, and interviews. With some employers, you’ll hear back within a couple of days or weeks—others could take longer. Be as patient as possible, but don’t give up! All it takes is one yes, and then you’ll be well on your way to planning all the logistics and packing for your destination.

If you need to secure additional funding, be sure to check out and .

3 engineering internships to consider

Here are three engineering internships that top-notch providers offer:

crcc asia logo

1. CRCC Asia:

ies abroad logo

2. IES Abroad:

eli abroad logo

3. ELI Abroad:

Being an engineering intern abroad will jumpstart your career!

view from above of person drawing diagrams on white paper

Time to lay the foundation for your engineering career? An internship abroad will build your skills and set you apart from the competition.

As an engineering intern abroad, you’ll be immersed in an environment where you can ask questions, gain mentorship, and learn new skills. to larger career opportunities in the future. Explore and socialize too because it’s all part of the overall experience. Most of all, keep an open mind, be flexible, and have some fun!

Explore ALL and Internships Abroad on!
