Boxing Twitter erupts in excitement after NELK Boy Steiny destroys Derek from Betr media in wi

Publish date: 2024-05-04

NELK Boy Steiny has once again found himself under the spotlight with a viral street fight against Derek Sullivan from Betr Media.

The footage of the NELK member and the Betr Media employee duking it out on the street had both individuals giving it their all. It was a wild exchange, with each of them having their moments of dominance.

The video capturing their brawl quickly made rounds on social media, leaving fans buzzing with excitement.

One enthusiastic fan declared:

"destroyed him,"

Another fan humorously noted:

"This is the scrap we've been waiting for 😂"

Another one jokingly scored the fight, stating:

"10-8 Steiny 10-9 Steiny 10-9 Steiny 30-26,"

Check all the fans' reactions' below:

Fans' reactions

When Jake Paul pranked Steiny and got into a brawl

YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake Paul pulled off an elaborate prank on Aaron Steinberg, popularly known as 'Steiny', which quickly escalated into a physical altercation.

'The Problem Child' shared a video on his YouTube channel showcasing the entire prank. The prank revolved around Paul's then-girlfriend, Julia Rose, who pretended to flirt with Steinberg.

The prank didn't end there. Following Rose's flirtatious behavior, Paul arrived on the scene and accused the NELK member of crossing boundaries with his girlfriend. This confrontation quickly turned into a physical fight, with Paul ultimately pinning him to the ground and shouting:

"say you're sorry"

Steinberg appeared visibly shocked by the unexpected turn of events, while others who were in on the prank couldn't help but laugh at the unfolding drama.

Check out Jake Paul's prank video below:

Meanwhile after winning against Nate Diaz in a boxing match, 'The Problem Child' has challenged former world champion Canelo Alvarez.

Previously in an interview with the Full Send Podcast, Canelo responded to the possibility of a fight, saying:

"Yeah maybe [an exhibition] but not right now. No [not a real fight], not now... Not right now because I'm chasing other things in my career. But, you never know. Maybe later, [after I retire]... [I] don't disrespect Jake Paul and what he's doing, he can do whatever he wants. But it's not for real boxing, for my career." " modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup();; } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1694405, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating')); for (var i=0; i < activeStars.length; i++) { activeStars[i].classList.remove("active"); } if ($('input[name="drone"]:checked')) { $('input[name="drone"]:checked').checked = false; } var userNote = document.querySelector(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea"); userNote.value = ''; modalPopup.close(); } function onsaveRatingSuccess() { modalPopup.close(); savePostIdInUserRatedPostsCookie(); $("#post-rating-layout").classList.add("hidden"); $("#post-rating-message").classList.remove("hidden"); window.setInterval(function showMessage() { $("#post-rating-widget").classList.add("hidden"); }, 3000); } function onsaveRatingFail() { console.error('Saving post rating failed!'); modalPopup.close(); } function savePostIdInUserRatedPostsCookie() { userRatedPostIds.push(1694405); var expiryTime = new Date(); expiryTime.setMonth(expiryTime.getMonth() + 12); // Expiry after 1 year setCookie("user_rated_post_ids", JSON.stringify(userRatedPostIds), expiryTime); } function isPostRatedByUser() { var userRatedPostIds = getCookie('user_rated_post_ids'); if (userRatedPostIds) { try { userRatedPostIds = JSON.parse(userRatedPostIds); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return false; } } else { return false; } if(userRatedPostIds.indexOf(1694405) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } (function() { var callFired = false; function lazyLoadPostRating() { if (callFired) return; callFired = true; if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1694405) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount < 10) { $("#post-rating-widget").classList.remove("hidden"); } }) .catch(function(err){ console.error(err); }); } } document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); document.addEventListener("mousemove", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); document.addEventListener("touchmove", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); })();
